Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Need Some More Help!

I've arranged things so nicely in my wall acove but what really bothers me is that I had such a hard time finding a bird cage.  There is one at Pottery Barn that is reallllllly expensive! 

I think it looks really funny because I don't have height.  I have a large space with nothing to fill it.  So, what should I do gals? 

I did buy some vinyl letters that say something sweet about Family that could fill some of the space.  Any ideas about how to complete the space or what to change?  I just love this lamp, do I have to get rid of it?


1. sarah said...

What about using a chain to hang the bird cage from the top of the alcove?

2. Sandy said...

Sarah I was just going to say the same thing. Maybe have the chain in a Y shape, attach on each side of the light and then a main chain in the middle.
I really like the lamp, but it's blocking everything you have in the alcove,so far.
Have you checked the second hand shops? You might find a large bird cage you could spray paint.
How about a few mirror's on the back wall of the alcove, use 3 or 5, different shapes.
You could also get a rectangle table and put the lamp to the right side, close to the light switch. That way you can keep your lamp and it won't block what you have in the alcove.

3. Between You and Me said...

I love all of your stuff that you've picked up, but I think you've got too many things in one tiny spot.

If you could find a longer table that was the exact size as that wall that it sits against, that would be better, because the lamp could fit to one side without hiding the alcove.

I think the alcove is small, so you need to pick a couple of things to go in it. The birdcage is competing with your lamp.

I agree with the other two friends who stopped by...you could get a chain and hang the birdcage from the top of the alcove. You could hang it so that it hangs in the center of that space. Then you could keep the candle sticks sitting in the alcove to the opposite side that you have your lamp.

Move the black picture frame and try adding a small house plant...REAL house plant in a small ceramic pot from tjmaxx in a color that you like.

What do you think?

If the hang the birdcage and the candlesticks don't look good, then move them and the picture frame out of the area and keep the creamy white bird on a stand in the alcove with a plant beside it and then add a few books stacked up on top of each other beside your lamp on the black table.

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